Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The meaning of Shinken is "real sword" and is a Japanies sward that has a live forged blade.

Shinken is an open source computer system and network monitoring software application compatible with Nagios NMS. It watches hosts and services, gathers performance data and alerts users when error condition occur and again when the condition clears. Shinken aims to offer easier load balancing and higher availability.

Shinken designed to run under all operating systems where python runs. The development environment under Linux, but also runs well on other Unix variants and Windows. It is a free software, licenced under the terms of the Affero General Public license as published by the Free Software foundation.

Shinken is a monitoring system written in Python and Distributed architecture using Pyro remote objects. It monitors the hosts and services with active and passive methods.

  • Monitor network services such as SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, ICMP, SNMP, FTP, SSH, etc.
  • Monitor host resources such as process load, disk usage, system logs on a majority of network operating systems including windows using agent and agent-less methods.
  • Simple plugin design that allow users to easily develop their own service check depending on needs.
  • Live status compatible API that exposes state, configurations and performance information.
  • Export data to graphing modules.
  • Support for native messaging API for android.
  • Personalized service and host checks avalable.
  • Ability to distribute poller process on multiple servers.
  • Support for implementing easy redundant and load balanced monitoring hosts.
  • Support for multiple redundant external interfaces.
  • Support for integrated business rules such as calculate hosts or services repeating the state of a business service and support assigning a business impact to each service, host or business process.
  • Ability to show only root problems.
  • Sends notification when service or host problem occurs and get resolved via email, pager or SMS or any user defined method through plugin system.

For more details and download click here.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Zabbix is an opensource enterprise networks and applications monitoring solution. High performance real time monitoring means that tens of thousands of Servers, Virtual Machines and Network devices can be monitored simultaneously. Along with storing the data, visualizations features are available ( overview, maps, graphs, screens, etc.) as well as very flexible way of analyzing the data for the purpose of alerting.

For storing data Zabbix uses MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle or IBM DB2.

Zabbix is released under the terms of GNU General Public Licence version 2.


  • Zabbix comes with web based interface, secure user authentication and a flexible user permission schema.
  • Polling and trapping is supported.
  • Web monitoring.
  • JMX monitoring.
  • Monitoring of WMware virtual machines.
  • Automatically discover network servers and devices.
  • low level discovery.
  • Centralized monitoring system.
  • Highly efficient Zabbix agents for UNIX and Windows.
  • Web based interface.
  • SLA and ITIL KPI metrics on reporting.
  • Flexible e-mail notification on predefined events.

For download click here.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


OpenNMS is a free an open source enterprise grade network monitoring and network management platform. Released under the GNU general public licence, version 3.

The goal is for OpenNMS to be truly distributed, scalable management application platform for all aspects of the FCAPS network management model while remaining 100% free and open source. Currently the focus is on Fault and Performance Management

Platform Support: OpenNMS is written in Java and thus can run on any platform with support for a Java SDK version 1.6 or higher. Pre-compiled binaries are available for most Linux distributions, Windows, Solaris, and OS X.


  1. Core features 

  2. Event management
  3. Notification features
  4. Integration features 
  5. Reporting Features
  6. Trouble Ticketing/ Help Desk Plugins
  7. User Interface Features

You can check the Demo.
Tutorials and Installation.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Nagios is an open source Computer system monitoring, Network monitoring and infrastructure monitoring application. Nagios is a power full monitoring system that enables organization to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes.

Nagios is licensed under GNU General public licence version 2.

It provides the following features.
  • Monitoring of network devices, services, systems, hosts, servers, protocols, applications etc. (SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, ICMP, SNMP, Processor load, disk usage, system logs).
  • Monitoring of temperature and alarms, etc. which have the ability to send collected data via network to specifically written plugins.
  • Alerts when critical infrastructure components fail and recover, providing administrator with notice of important events. Alters can be delivered via mail, sms, or custom scrips.
  • Remote monitoring supported through SSH or SSL encrypted tunnels.
  • Reports provide a historical record of outages, events, notifications and alert response for later review. Availability reports help ensure SLA's are being met.
  • Trending and capacity planning addons ensure aware of aging infrastructure.
  • Multi-user access to web interface to allows stack holders to view infrastructure status. user-specific views ensures clients see only their infrastructure components.

For more details and downloads click here.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Cacti is an open source, web based Network Monitoring and Graphing tool. Cacti allows user to poll the services of the data in predetermined intervals and graph the resulting data. It is commonly used to monitor the network traffic such as CPU utilization and network bandwidth utilization by polling a network switch and router interfaces via SNMP protocol.

Cacti is a complete frontend to RRDtool, it stores all of the necessary information to create graph and populate them with data in a MySQL database. The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain Graphs, Data Sources and Round Robin Archives in database, cacti handles the data gathering. There is also SMNP support for those used to creating traffic graph with MRTG.

In cacti administrator can handle many users, each with their won graph sets and privileges.

Cacti can use one or many back ends "cmd.php" a PHP script suitable for small installations or "Spine" a C-based poller which can scale to thousands of hosts.

Cacti is able to scale to large number of data sources and graphs through the templates. this allows the creation of a single graph or  data source template which define any graph or data source associated with it.

Features of Cacti:

  • Unlimited Graph items.
  • Auto-padding support for graph.
  • Graph data manipulation
  • Flexible data sources.
  • Data gathering on a non-standard time-spam.
  • Custom data-gathering scrips.
  • Build-in SNMP support.
  • Graph templates.
  • Data source templates.
  • Host templates.
  • Tree, list and preview of graph data.
  • User based management and security.
  • It supports in both Windows and Linux platforms.

For more details and download click here.

For plugin details click here.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Zenoss is a free and open-source application server and network management platform based on the Zope application server. Released under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2. Zenoss Core provides a web interface that allows system administrators to monitor availability, inventory/configuration, performance and events.

Zenoss Core is build upon Zope, Python, Net-SNMP, RRDtool, MySQL, Twisted and Lucene opensource technologies.

Zenoss Core provides the following capabilities to system administrators.

1. Monitoring availability of network devices using SNMP, SSH, WMI.
2. Monitoring of network services (HTTP, POP3, SNMP, FTP).
3. Monitoring of host resources (processor, disk usage) on most network operating systems.
4. Time-series performance monitoring of devices.
5. Extended Microsoft Windows Monitoring via Windows Management Instrumentation using SAMBA and Zenoss open source extensions.
6. Event management tool to annotate system alerts.
7. Automatically discovers network resources and changes in network configuration.
8. Alerting system provides notifications based on rule sets and on-call calenders.
9. Supports Nagios plug-in format.

Supported platforms for Zenoss:
Most of the Linux platforms, VMware applience and sources for any other Unix systems.

For more information and to download click here.